Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Das Boat is sinking

MY latest little chunk of the "stimulus package" came yesterday.
My boss came around with a letter announcing "wage reductions" for all of us office people.
I may not like it, but I know I am greatly blessed to still have a job.
The trickle down finally landed a big fat frozen glop of ick on my wrung of the corporate ladder.
(last one from the bottom)
When all you can do about it is accept it because everyone is in the same boat, its not so bad to get the wage cut instead of the boot.


bdmom said...

you may be second from the bottum but i am the one underneath you. if it sucks to be you it's hell to be me. hooray for hardworking poor people.

Tobi said...

I'm praying for you Mom. I hope things get better very soon and I am very glad you still have a job.