Tuesday, February 2, 2010


The world has gone to crap in the space of 24 hours.
Yesterday my boss spent the day screaming at me for things that are not my fault.
Today my family all have big problems.
At least my boss went somewhere this afternoon so he can't yell at me.
But he also can't sign the paychecks. Oh well, tomorrow is payday anyway.
One of my co-workers is sick and giving all of us a nasty cold germ bath.
I have a toothache inside the new bridge. Happy day!!
I also have a stress headache… proves I do have a brain I guess.
My brother called me because he is homeless and I had a fight with my son.

Happy groundhogs day.

1 comment:

Tobi said...

Feel better soon Mom. We could all be in Haiti and I'm sure that would be way worse.