This blog is for my darling daughter Tobi. Thank you dear for all the blog comments and the ever-entertaining blogs you post.
Almost everything you post on your site is wonderful to me. You have always been such fun and a really great daughter. (I could have lived without the teen-age years, but you do seem so much more wonderful now that I wonder if that is part of the Divine plan).
Reading what is going on in your life (on the Internet) is always fun. Even when it is not all that good you keep a good outlook. I am proud of you for being able to cope with life and look on the bright side. It is a very lucky mother indeed who has a kid that will actually leave a comment on her blog spot.
Thank you also for the IT support. If I had to do this on my own, I would be chiseling it out on a stone tablet. You are great!!
1 comment:
Thank you Mom! Yes to the nose! You are the great white wooda-beast! I love forever! As long as I'm living my mommy you'll be.
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