Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Moving on?

I think it may be time to move. I swore I would never do it again, but the fact is $1,056.00 a month is OUTRAGEOUS for rent. Plus our landlady is insane. Plus we live in a HORRIBLE area of town.
I am thinking we just need a little miracle in our lives so we can afford to move. I have room mates but financially we are still on the edge all the time. Maybe it is time for a budget? A little more income would also be helpful. The house itself is huge and other than being 1000 years old it is OK.
The power and water are a very big expense because the house is so old and there are so many people running things all day. The cable always manages to surprise me since we do not order movies or pay-per-views. I guess the real problem is that I have not had a raise in pay for 3 years, but everything else possible has gone up in cost. Milk is the only exception; it is $1.98 a gallon. That is great since these boys drink
mostly milk. Everything else keeps going UP UP and AWAY!!
Maybe we should sit tight for now, better the devil you know.


Tobi said...

Milk is $2.68 cents here. However when we do move to Colorado I'm going to miss the cheap gas we get here in Texas. =)

Tobi said...

Ugh! Sorry typo! I meant milk is $2.68 a gallon. Not cents. DUH!